6 bunches
Year Round with weather-related gaps
Truck or Airfreight
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PLEASE NOTE!!!: Order Monday morning for Wednesday shipment
FENUGREEK is a sturdy annual whose Latin name means “Greek hay”. It is native to western Asia, although it has been cultivated in Mediterranean regions since ancient times. Although this spice is associated primarily with Indian cuisine, it has been used in the West for medicinal purposes and as cattle fodder. Fenugreek is so strongly aromatic that the whole plant gives off a spicy odor. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Egyptians valued fenugreek for eating, healing and embalming. On the Indian subcontinent, its spicy seed has long been included in curry powder and its leafy shoots have been curried as a vegetable. The fresh leaves can be tossed into salads, eaten raw or boiled or curried as a vegetable.