Petite Minutina


4 oz clamshells


Year Round


Truck or Airfreight




Please don’t ask!


1 day


One of our favorite cookbooks, not just for the inspirational recipes but also for sheer reading pleasure, is Judy Rodgers’ “The Zuni Cafe Cookbook”. Chef Rodgers starts her recipe for Minutina Salad with Vegetable Confetti & Coriander Vinaigrette with “I fell for minutina the first time I mistook it for lawn clippings–this at Eastertime in a three-stall market in Impruneta, not far south of Florence. Harvested young, the leaves of erba stella (Plantago coronopus) are vaguely succulent in texture and have a pleasant, mineraly taste, a little like raw spinach. Although I have never seen minutina in an American market, I include it here not as a taunt or curiosity, but instead to promote the little plant, which is easy to grow and makes a fetching salad. We have clients who ask regularly if there might be a little in-house even when they don’t see it on the menu.” You don’t need to travel to Italy for your Minutina! We have it here! Petite Minutina is harvested while still young, just as Chef Rodgers suggests. Buy “The Zuni Cafe Cookbook” for Chef Rodgers’ Minutina Salad recipe. Buy Petite Minutina so you, too, can create a salad that diners ask for even when it’s not on the menu!!

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We are delighted to announce that FreshPoint was recently awarded Texas Roadhouse's Vendor of the Year Award at their 2024 conference.

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