FM Masumoto Late Le Grand Nectarine


1 lyr carton


One week in July


Truck or Airfreight




In stock


As he searched for an appreciative market for his old variety tree ripe Peaches, David “Mas” Masumoto kept thinking about the Nectarines of his youth. He remembered them as incredibly juicy and intensely flavorful with a great balance of high sugar and high acid. The memory haunted and inspired him. Mas’s late father was pretty sure the Nectarine variety was the Late Le Grand so Mas started nurturing a small stand of true Late Le Grand Nectarines on his organic farm in central California. Once Mas tasted the first piece from the first crop, he knew he’d found the right Nectarine. This wonderful variety was introduced in 1942 by Californian Fred W. Anderson. Many crosses have followed but no Nectarine variety has matched the flavor and balance of the true LeGrand. The Late Le Grand fell out of favor because it’s a cling variety, has freckled, russetted skin, and doesn’t have a full, dark red blush, but we believe the flavor and texture are far more important than how it looks. The Late Le Grand is the last Nectarine available from Masumoto Family Farm,and it will be available for just one week. Though their appearance is brief, you will always remember the flavor of Mas Masumoto’s organic tree ripe Late Le Grand Nectarine.

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