Grapes, Red Seedless

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Receiving Information: Shatter: Detachment of berries from the cluster is called shatter. Shatter increases with rough or excessive handling. Shatter can be reduced by gentle handling and maintaining recommended temperature and relative humidity levels. Moisture: Never wash grapes in preparation for the display. The natural protective layer created by the grapes, called bloom, will be removed. This allows for dehydration or water loss to occur. Once the bloom is removed, it dramatically increases the susceptibility to mold & decay. Air circulation: Grape lugs should be kept away from air blasts. Moving air has a drying effect on grapes. The rate of drying is directly related to the velocity of air. Ethylene gas: Table grapes are not sensitive to ethylene. However, exposure to ethylene may be a secondary factor in shatter. Reduce the effects of ethylene exposure by maintaining cold temperatures and good air movement. Odor sensitivity: Never store odorous products with grapes; they absorb odors. Storage/Handling: Maintain adequate air circulation during storage. Keep grapes away from ethylene-producing fruits and ripening rooms. Temperature/humidity recommendation for short-term storage of 7 days or less: 32-36 degrees F / 0 _ 2 degrees.
There are two categories of grapes; black and white. Red grapes are actually black grapes. Their color varies from deep rose-pink to purplish red with a medium small size that is seedless, firm skinned, and tender fleshed. Red Seedless Grapes have a mild, sweet/tart flavor and when ripe are a dark flame to rust red color with a slight bloom. The bunches should be long and full of grapes.