Mushrooms, White

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on demand
Receiving Information: Mushrooms should have a fresh, well-shaped appearance, firm texture, and be free of spots. Size and color do not affect quality. Open veils indicate a more mature mushroom with a richer and deeper taste. Avoid mushrooms that show signs of deterioration, mold or that appear slimy. Storage/Handling: Store mushrooms in original containers; do not store in plastic bags. Keep mushrooms away from strong-odored foods. Handle with care to avoid bruising. Dark-spotting, slimy texture are indications of improper storage conditions. Do not sprinkle with water. Fresh mushrooms may exhibit dehydration or general deterioration if they are stored in an area with low humidity. Temperature/humidity recommendation for short-term storage of 7 days or less: - 32 - 36 degrees F. - Humidity 90_ 98%.
AKA: Agaricus Bisporus. The common white mushroom has a classic mushroom like appearance, with a short thick stalk and a white cap. The mushroom is gilled beneath the smooth cap, and a small ring of flesh surrounds the stem where it meets the cap. When young, this ring of flesh forms a veil over the gills of the mushroom. White mushrooms can be found growing almost anywhere, including lawns, compost piles, leaf mold, wood chips, dead trees, and well fertilized soil. They are easy to identify and to pick, making them a popular choice for mushroom hunters. They are the most commonly seen mushroom in markets. They have a mild flavor that yields to other ingredients. Available in these general forms: Fancy, Sliced, Mushroom, Jumbo and Button.