
FM Greengage Plum

Wild Greengage Plums were probably introduced to Britain by the Romans, but disappeared from cultivation until Sir Thomas Gage brought them from France in the eighteenth century (and gave them his name). In France, they are known as Reine-Claude after the wife of Francois I, who adored their sweet flavor. These small members of the…

Italian Prune Plum

Plum varieties seem to be coming out of the woodwork, but all of them can be divided into two main categories: Japanese and European. ITALIAN PRUNE PLUMS are considered a European variety. Italians are the main European variety and are smaller, firmer, sweeter, and less juicy than the Japanese varieties (i.e. Friar, simka and Sant…

Wild Northwest Plum

We have finally figured out why so many growers are crossing plums and apricots like crazy. They are trying to capture the flavor of Wild Northwest Plums. Each one of these little gems have a distinct, exotic flavor. A little tropical, very sweet, and very small. They look like small cherry tomatoes of three different…

Amandine Fingerling Potato

AMANDINE FINGERLING POTATOES are virtually unknown to North American cooks, but Weiser Family Farms plans to change that! These lovely fingerlings have smooth, yellow skin with shallow eyes and rich, yellow flesh. AMANDINE FINGERLING POTATOES’ consistant shape and smooth exterior makes them perfect for wedges and slicing.

Butterfinger Fingerling Potato

BUTTERFINGER FINGERLING POTATOES have yellow to brownish skin with a true yellow flesh, even after baking. This fingerling variety has a crescent shape and is small to medium in size. Butterfinger fingerlings have a nutty flavor with a smooth texture. They hold up well in salads and are especially good when lightly steamed or boiled…

Cranberry Potato

And you thought you’d seen everything! How ’bout a pink-fleshed potato? CRANBERRY POTATOES are colorful through and through, from their magenta skin to their lovely pink flesh. Their looks overshadow their flavor however…the potato is on the bland side. That pretty pink flesh is waxy and quite moist, making the CRANBERRY POTATO an excellent candidate…

German Butterball Potato *L*S*

GERMAN BUTTERBALL POTATOES are European in heritage, and these are real beauties. They have smooth golden skin with a yellow flesh, and a great, rich flavor…and the awards to prove it! Medium round to oblong tubers, GERMAN BUTTERBALLS are great for boiling, baking and mashing, and they produce wonderful hash browns. These potatoes are grown…

King Edward Potato *L*S*

The King Edward Potato is a white flesh, heirloom variety that has been popular in Britain for hundreds of years. Named for King Edward VII, these are the potatoes that cooks in England use to make Potato Jackets. Available in A, B and C sizes (B size is shown at left), King Edward Potatoes are…

La Ratte Fingerling Potato *L*S*

Considered the very best of the French Fingerling Potatoes, La Ratte Fingerling Potatoes are appreciated for their creamy, pale gold flesh that tastes of hazelnuts and chestnuts. An all-purpose potato, the La Ratte is wonderful when sauteed, gratineed, mashed or used in salads. In France, these favorites are grown beyond fingerlings to fairly generous sizes…

Mixed Marble Potato *L*S*

Hats off to the family farmer! Across the country family farms are being purchased by huge agricultural conglomerates…but that’ s mainly in the Mid-West, and those farms are growing wheat, corn, etc. Here in California the family farmer is king thanks to their innovation and responsiveness. One of our most talented family farmers is digging…

FM Ozette Fingerling Potato *L*S*

The Ozette Fingerling Potato is an heirloom said to be brought from Peru in the late 1700’s by the Spanish explorers and traded with the Ozette Indian tribe of the Olympic peninsula in Washington State. A very tasty and earthy potato, Ozettes are dug when 2 to 6 inches in length. This is a unique…

Purple Peruvian Fingerling Potato *L*S*

If you’re looking for dark purple potatoes, you’ve come to the right place. PURPLE PERUVIAN FINGERLINGS can trace their ancestry directly to the Peruvian Andes. Purple Peruvians have dark purple skin, dark purple dry flesh, and a mid-range starch content. When cooked, Purple Peruvian flesh becomes a light bluish-purple and similar in texture to a…

Red Thumb Fingerling Potato *L*S*

RED THUMB FINGERLINGS have brilliant, smooth red skin and very unusual rosy pink flesh that holds its color after cooking. This beautiful fingerling has very shallow eyes and is uniform in shape, and is sometimes a bit larger than other fingerling varieties.

Rose Finn Apple Fingerling Potato *L*S*

The Rose Finn Apple is a fingerling potato, also known as Ruby Crescent and Austrian Crescent. The small finger shaped tubers exhibit eyes of medium depth, rose-colored smooth skin and pale yellow, waxy, moderately dry flesh and outstanding flavor. Rose Finn Apple Fingerlings are especially delicious when roasted.

FM Russian Banana Fingerling Potato *L*S*

Developed in the Baltic region of Eurasia and praised for its excellence as a salad potato, the RUSSIAN BANANA FINGERLING POTATO is a medium sized tuber with yellow skin and flesh. This particular variety has firm texture and great flavor…perfect for salads or sautes. At this time of year, our RUSSIAN BANANA FINGERLINGS are true…

FM Cinderella Pumpkin *L*S*O*

Rouge Vf d’etampes was introduced by Burpee Seed Company in 1883 but has been popular in France, where it was widely grown, since the early 1800s. This is the

Galeux d’ Eysines Pumpkin

The Galeux d’Eysines Pumpkin has thick walls with rich, deep orange flesh that is makes a complex Pumpkin soup or pie. The flesh is fragrant and sweet with hints of sweet potato, squash and apple. The warts are often referred to as sugar warts because the warts are caused by a buildup of sugars in…

FM Jarrahdale Pumpkin *L*S*

Originally from Australia, this Pumpkin has a blue-gray exterior and orange flesh. The skin has good a sweet, melon-like flavor and the flesh is bright orange with sweet fruity notes. This pumpkin is very aromatic, and the seeds are great for roasting.

Mini Pumpkin

Cool autumn nights, harvest moons and pumpkins are signs that autumn has arrived. Mini pumpkins have long been used in decorative table arrangements symbolizing a bountiful harvest, but new tasty varieties have now been developed that are a delicious accompaniment to traditional autumn fare. Approximately the size of a flattened orange, the mini pumpkins have…