FM Brentwood Yellow Corn

48 count, 24 count
June through September
Truck or Airfreight
Two ears yield 1 cup kernels
48 or 24 ears
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
The Sweet Corn grown in the Brentwood area of California’s Sacramento River Delta is the best tasting, sweetest Corn we’ ve found. Known as Brentwood Corn, this product has the well-deserved reputation across the country as the benchmark against which all other Corn is measured. The Sacramento River Delta boasts some of this country’ s richest
agricultural land, and is perfectly suited for growing outstanding
Asparagus and Sweet Corn. For eons, the river has deposited sediment in lowest point of the central valley, the Delta. Thick organic soil (a.k.a. peat) was created as plants were covered by the sediment over time. First farmed in the mid-1800s, these organic soils are up to 60 feet deep in some areas. Brentwood Corn is all about terroir.