Cardoon (Cardone, Cardoni)
12ct cartons
mid-September through May
Truck or Airfreight
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1 day
Indigenous to the Mediterranean and North Africa, Cardoon was still a very popular vegetable in several countries in the nineteenth century. Now, it is only of regional importance in Spain, the South of France, and Italy. The leaf stalks, which taste similar to Artichokes, are reminiscent of Celery in appearance, and can also be prepared like it. Unlike the Artichoke, the flower buds are not eaten. To prepare Cardoon, cut off the leaf stalk end with a sharp knife, then remove the remains of the leaves, as well as prickly edges. Pull off the tough, inedible strings. Then cut the prepared leaf stalks into finger-length pieces and place immediately in water acidulated with vinegar, so that they do not turn black. Cook the sliced Cardoon in salted water for 25-30 minutes. Drain thoroughly and string the stalks once more before serving, if necessary.