Cipolline (Italian Pearl Onions)
Year round
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CIPOLLINA means ‘small onion’ in Italian (the plural is CIPOLLINE) and to the produce world, it means small, flat, mild, yellow or red onion. CIPOLLINE sold in the United States is grown here and in Italy. The domestic crop comes from seeds of Italian origin, and Italian-grown product is imported every season. CIPOLLINE are tender and more perishable than their cousins, the pearl onion. Their fragile, papery skin protects the onion, and is important to its shelf-life. CIPOLLINE would be wasted as a seasoning…they are served whole to take advantage of their visual and textural aspects. Once peeled, they can be pickled, braised, sauteed, creamed, graineed…they sky’s the limit. CIPOLLINE are the premier onion for stews. They combine wonderfully with winter items such as chestnuts, Brussels sprouts, and mushroom or with sturdy grains like wild rice and buckwheat. Spring vegetables are perfect with CIPOLLINE, too: peas, fiddlehead fern, baby carrots, squash, or turnips. Roast CIPOLLINE with olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme until tender, then toss with other vegetables or grains.