FM Escarole

3 lbs
Year round
Truck or airfreight
25 to 30% waste by weight. One head serves two to
Varies 12 to 14
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
Escarole is the least bitter member of the chicory family. It roughly resembles loose-leaf lettuce, but the leaves are thick and vaguely ruffled. Escarole forms a large, flat rosette of broad, unsplit leaves with unbroken margins and thick ribs. The leaves stay fresh for longer than the jagged, highly chiseled leaves of Frisee. Escarole hearts will be yellow to creamy white. If you prefer to use the tender hearts for salads, the outer leaves can be braised in olive oil with onion and garlic. In addition to uses in salad, Escarole can be grilled, seared and braised. Flavors complementary to Escarole include olive oil, cream, butter, red pepper flakes, vinegar, Gruyere, Parmesan and Asiago.