FM Green Garlic

10lb ctn
Jan thru Jun
Truck or Airfreight
Approx. 2 per pound
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
2 Days
Some of America’ s most respected chefs have extolled the virtues of Green Garlic. We’re all used to seeing common Garlic which is the dried mature bulb of the garlic plant. Green Garlic is the same plant pulled from the ground at a much earlier stage, often even before the bulb forms. Green Garlic can look like a really big green Onion with leek-like tops or like a Garlic bulb with a big stem. According the Alice Waters’s Chez Panisse Cooking, ‘The quality of Green Garlic is unique and of great use in the kitchen. When cooked, it has none of the hot, pungent qualities of fresh Garlic cloves. Its flavor, although unmistakably associated with the mature form, is much milder … The rich, earthy aroma of Green Garlic has inspired numerous dishes. Garlic consumme is a stew of Green Garlic, Leeks, and ripe Tomatoes to which we add a rich poultry or lamb broth … The flavor of Green garlic is most clearly captured in a pureed soup made with new Potatoes and finished with cream. Without the Potatoes, the pureed and creamed Garlic, seasoned with vinegar and salt and pepper, can serve as a sauce, or sauce element, and is good with grilled pigeon, roast chicken, and veal. Stewed Green Garlic is delicious in souffles and braised preparations or substituted for Onions or Leeks in the aromatic bases of soups such as Corn, Pepper, or Eggplant.’ Nuff said.