FM Lacinato Kale

24 ct
Year-round w/some gaps
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Lacinato Kale (also known as black cabbage, Tuscan Kale , Cavolo Nero and dinosaur Kale ) is a hearty, spicy, long-leaf borecole, so called on account of its extremely dark color. Like its close relative, curly Kale , Lacinato Kale is suitable for serving with hearty, winter dishes. Its hearty flavor and almost sweet aftertaste is enjoyed in winter soups, especially those with potatoes and beans, and as a vegetable, braised or blanched and stir fried with a little garlic and fresh tomato. It tastes best after the first night frosts, which convert its starch into sugar and make it more digestible. The heads, which are actually leaf rosettes, survive freezing temperatures unharmed. Allow one pound of this Kale (usually one bunch) for two generous servings.