Wild Mustard Greens

6 bunches per carton
Late January through February
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
PLEASE NOTE!!! Order Tuesday morning for Wednesday shipment
Whenever we compare cultivated produce items to their wild counterparts we are amazed by the difference. It is seldom subtle. WILD MUSTARD GREENS are a case in point. More pungent and assertive than their commercially grown brothers, WILD MUSTARD GREENS are assertive enough to hold their own in any dish. Let’s be very clear on this…these greens are HOT! Traditionally used as a potherb and cooked with salt pork, these wild greens are complemented by ham, bacon, pancetta, and prosciutto soothed by olive oil and vinegar accented by onion and garlic moderated by eggs and cheese. In addition to all this flavor, WILD MUSTARD GREENS are an excellent source of beta carotene (the plant form of vitamin A), and when eaten raw, a good source of vitamin C. Saute WILD MUSTARD GREENS in olive oil with pancetta and garlic and serve with polenta and Fontina cheese. Or use them in a salad with ham, fresh mint and a citrus vinaigrette. Any way you serve them, WILD MUSTARD GREENS will make a serious statment!