FM Baby JapaneseTurnip

24 bunches
off and on year round
Truck or Airfreight
3to 5 turnips per bunch
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
As a cultivated plant, Turnips were well known in antiquity. Before the spread of the Potato, Turnips, with their high nutritional value, were among the most important staple food for man and beast. Today, by contrast, the Turnip is of only slight importance although quite large areas are given over to its cultivation in the United States, southern Europe, and Asia. Baby Japanese Turnips are capable of turning the plebian staple in fodder for the upper class. They have exceptionally fine texture and are surprisingly sweet. Try them steamed or glazed, in vegetable stews, or served raw in salads. Their tops are more delicately flavored that those of regular Turnips, and can be prepared like Spinach.