Baby White Beet

6 bunches per carton
Year round
Truck or airfreight
4 to 6 beets per bunch
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
PLEASE NOTE!!! Order Tuesday morning for Wednesday shipment
Red, candy stripe and gold baby beets have become common over the past few years. One of our favorite growers has planted WHITE BEETS and is harvesting them while they are still quite small (You can distinguish BABY WHITE BEETS from Baby Turnips by their tops…The tops of BABY WHITE BEETS look like Green Chard, and the tops of Baby Turnips are fuzzy and kind of stickery like Turnip Greens). They have that wonderful rich beet flavor, but their color doesn’ t bleed all over the plate. A BABY WHITE and GOLD BEET Salad with Herb Vinaigrette would be lovely! BABY WHITE BEETS are the baby beet choice for stain-phobics and control freaks!