Red Currant Berry

12/.5 pint trays
June and July from the U.S., December and January
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
Closely related to the Gooseberry, Red Currant Berries are widely popular in northern Europe, but have two very short seasons here in the United States. Transluscent, bright red and literally bursting with juice, Red Currants are extraordinarily beautiful. These tiny jewels are quite tart and have a flavor reminiscent of pomegranates. Often paired with raspberries, Red currants are wonderful in desserts and jams, and they offer a refreshing burst of tart flavor to fruit salads. Like pomegranates, Red Currants are also added to savory dishes. Take Cumberland Sauce. A favorite with the English, this full-flavored sauce is a combination of red currants (or red currant jelly), port, orange and lemon zest, mustard and seasonings. Red currants are a beautiful treat…take advantage of their fleeting presence.