Uniq Fruit

22 lb. carton
January through June, and August through September
Truck or Airfreight
8ct through 23ct
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
Don’t judge this fruit by its cover! Nicknamed the ‘Ugli’ fruit because of its puffy, wrinkled outside, it is sweet and extremely juicy on the inside. Discovered in Jamaica, Uniq Fruit is a cross between a Grapefruit and tangerine. This sensation peels and separates easily into yellow-orange sections. Ripeness is marked by its heaviness and give to slight palm pressure. Prepare Uniq Fruit as you would most other citrus. Serve halved as you would a Grapefruit, or toss it in a fruit salad for a refreshing flavor. As a beautiful first course, serve sectioned fruit in a radicchio nest graced with a balsamic vinaigrette.