King Oyster Mushroom
1lb or 5lb cartons
Year-round with sporadic gaps
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
2 days
Pleurotus eryngii is the latin name for KING OYSTER MUSHROOMS, a large cultivated wood mushroom. Wood mushrooms fall into two broad groups: fleshy mushrooms that have a characteristic stalk and cap and look like any other mushroom and polypores, which have amorphous shapes that do not resemble the general idea of mushrooms at all. The oyster mushrooms are members of the former wood mushroom group. Because it is meatier and has a more distinct flavor, the King Oyster is considered to be more desirable than the more common P. ostreatus. Oyster mushroomd are unusual in that they are members of one of the few genera that contain vitamin C as well as minerals and protein. They also contain a great quantity of free amino acids.