Porcini Mushroom
5 lb carton
Off and On in March Mid-May through June Septemb
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
3 days
The PORCINI MUSHROOM is prized for its texture, rich and buttery flavor, and rarity. PORCINI is Italian for ” little pigs” , quite appropriate since they can grow up to an amazing 2 pounds! Their color is common with tan to brown tops and pale undersides, but a closer look will reveal a swollen appearance and chubby stems…a Lewis Carroll version of the mushroom. The PORCINI MUSHROOM’ s caps are thick and can be quite large in diameter, 6 to 7 inches, lending well to braising or grilling, especially when coated with olive oil and garlic. Another attribute, its versatility, makes the PORCINI a great choice. Fish, meat, vegetable or potato dishes can all take on a new dimension when PORCINIS are included. When preparing, simply wipe clean Porcinis tend to soak up water like a sponge.