White Peach

1 layer trays 2 layer trays
Spring and Summer from California Winter from Chi
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 day
China grew the ” Tao” , or peach, over 2,500 years ago, revering the 8 as a symbol of longevity and immortality. The White Peach is renown for its low acid and high sugar content. When ripe it has a most fragrant aroma. A peach’ s flavor is best when warm so let any refrigerated 8 come to room temperature before serving. The White Peach is lovely sliced and served as the perfect complement to breakfast foods and pastries. For a warm-weather pleaser, grill White Peach halves to accompany pork or chicken. Yum! For peeling ease, dip in boiling water for 10 seconds, remove with a slotted spoon and slip off skins. After peeling, some commercial processors use sulfur dioxide to prevent browning, but keeping oxygen away from the cut surface of a peach will prevent browning, too. Coating fruit with sugar or syrup prevents oxygen in the air from getting to the cut surface, but the oxygen between the cells is still there. Lowering the temperature also helps as cooling slows down all chemical reactions. However, ascorbic acid is the most effective anti-browning agent since it both slows the enzymatic reaction and blocks browning of the compound that is formed and therefore stops the process quickly. Just crush a vitamin C tablet and dissolve it in a bowl of water. As you slice the fruit, toss it immediately into the vitamin C water. Or, since orange juice is high in vitamin C, place the sliced fruit in cold orange juice until ready to use. If you want to add a little punch to the dish, add a ground-up chili pepper, which is high in vitamin C, to the bowl of water.