FM Greengage Plum


11 lb carton (NZ), 5lb (Calif)


February through March from New Zealand September


Truck or Airfreight




1 day


Wild Greengage Plums were probably introduced to Britain by the Romans, but disappeared from cultivation until Sir Thomas Gage brought them from France in the eighteenth century (and gave them his name). In France, they are known as Reine-Claude after the wife of Francois I, who adored their sweet flavor. These small members of the plum family have green skin, sometimes tinged with yellow or rose pink, which turn golden as the fruit ripens. There are many varieties of Greengage all have firm flesh and a delicious honeyed flavor. ‘ Transparent’ Gages have fine, translucent flesh if you hold the fruit up to the light, you can clearly see the shadow of the pit. These Golden Gages have a particularly sweet flavor. The deliciously sweet flavor of Green Gage Plums makes them ideal for eating out of hand. They can also be gently poached in syrup, pureed for mousses and fools or made into excellent compotes and jams.

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