FM Nasturtium Pods

1 lb
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
The Nasturtium Plant is often falls under the radar as a vegtable but is certainly not to be disregarded! They are best pickled, and often compared to capers! In Los Angeles, the Nasturtium plant grows across hillsides in successions throughout the year. The pods develop after the flower has withered from the heat.
The Nasturtium Pods are gathered while they are still young and tender for a crisp, juicy flavor. They have their own distinct mustardy flavor from the high mustard oils present in the raw seeds.
To pickle the Nasturtium Pods: put the Pods into a brine and let stand for 3 days. Rinse, add a mixture of hot vinegar and sugar water, add a few bay leaves and thyme, seal, let refrigerate for 3 days and Voilà! Enjoy or keep for about 6 months refrigerated!