FM Fuyu Persimmon
1 layer trays
April and May from Chile September through Novemb
Truck or Airfreight
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
1 Day
There are basically two commercially important varieties of Persimmons (also known as Kaki Fruit), both bright orange in color and Asian in origin. Pointy Hachiyas should be ripened until squishy-soft before eating, but flat, tomato-shaped Fuyu Persimmons can be enjoyed crisp like apples.
Fuyus are the first persimmon variety to be harvested, the harbinger of the persimmon season and Hachiyas will not be far behind. For eating out of hand, rinse and eat Fuyu persimmons just like an apple, discarding the stem end. For breakfast, slice a firm Fuyu Persimmon and serve with cream or milk.
Generally, Fuyu Persimmons are at their best when least tampered with, as their unusual texture and delicate flavor are easily obscured. A ripe Fuyu has the texture of a plum inside, and slices neatly and easily. Halve and glaze quickly under the broiler as a simple main course accompaniment.