Red Passion Fruit

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Passion Fruit is a subtropical fruit native to Brazil, and is named after the flowers’ resemblance to the crown of thrones worn during Christ’s crucifixion. The fruit is an oval shape that grows from the size of a large egg to a small lemon.
The skin is a leathery, dark purple color and is perfectly ripe when the skin appears weathered and wrinkled. Passion Fruit’s center is a florescent yellow jelly-like pulp with scattered with black edible seeds. The pulp is sweet yet tart and the longer it is let ripen, the sweeter it becomes. Passion Fruit has exudes a rich perfume that is often used similarly to vanilla extract.
Elizabeth Schneider observed, Passion Fruit works best as a flavoring for ice creams and cocktails, but can be eaten raw. The fruit pairs outstandingly with Yellowtail Snapper and white wines. Our Passion Fruit is grown in Redlands, California and the farmer waits until the skin dimples presenting the ultimate ripeness.