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FreshPress Plus



With locations in Honolulu, Kona, and Kahului, we supply a wide range of customers, from local chefs to big box retailers, with fresh produce every day.

We are committed to sourcing the freshest produce at the best prices. Upholding the highest food safety standards, we ensure that only safe, high-quality produce is delivered to our customers.

We truly understand the importance of supporting our local growers. Local farmers are an integral part of Hawaii’s community, economy and food supply, We proudly source fruits and vegetables from local farmers across the state.

Click here to visit Armstrong Produce website


  • Warehouses located in Honolulu, Maui & the Big Island, with a combined 103,500 square-feet of refrigerated space and the state’s largest banana ripening system.
  • Refrigerated loading and receiving dock ensuring an unbroken cold chain.
  • Refrigerated delivery fleet of 36 trucks with temperature and humidity control
  • Dedicated produce specialists to assist you with menu planning and all your produce needs.
  • Live Customer Care Department, 6 days a week.
  • Online ordering.
  • Split-Pack Production facility.

food safety

  • Fully-documented HACCP and recall program FDA/USDA compliant.
  • FDA compliant with Homeland Security bioterrorism guidelines.
  • Disaster Preparedness Action Plan in place.
  • Facility is SQF Certified Level 2.
  • HACCP Program Certification.
  • USDA Safeguard Compliant.
  • Certificate of Insurance, HHA, and Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) required on all.

Distribution Map

Navigate our coverage area by county. To search your specific location select full screen.

Customer Base

Export & Wholesale
Travel & Leisure

Social Corner


With unmatched fresh produce, knowledge and experience, FreshPoint provides today’s chefs with the ingredients to create tomorrow’s culinary success. Over the last few decades, we have seen revolutionary changes in the produce industry—from refrigerated trucks and fresh-cut produce to submitting and processing orders online. With these innovations, our passion for produce and commitment to helping our customers succeed remains unchanged.
FreshPoint2 days ago
It's Wallpaper Wednesday...and this month we are talking about peppers!

Food anthropologists believe that the cultivation of chile peppers began in Central Mexico around 6,000 months ago, making it one of the oldest domesticated crops still in production.

Add a little color to your desktop workspace with this colorful desktop wallpaper. ⁠Click the link to download. 🖥️ #peoplepassionproduce #‎ourfirstnameisfresh https://bit.ly/2025-peppers
FreshPoint4 days ago
Your on-the-go foodservice customers count on fresh, delicious and convenient options that taste great every time. But sometimes labor, packaging, ingredient availability or volume (large or small) can make it a challenge to serve customers consistently.

Made to order and hand-assembled from fresh ingredients, each Created Fresh! item is consistent to ensure that your repeat customers are always having the same great eating experience every time they purchase.

Our Created Fresh! grab-and-go line can fuel your customers from sunup to sundown...and have them returning day after day.

Contact your sales consultant today about our Created Fresh! line of grab-and-go offerings, now available in our Central Florida location as well as all of our East Coast companies. #peoplepassionproduce #ourfirstnameisfresh
FreshPoint7 days ago
It’s ‪FreshPress Friday‬!

"The FreshPress" is a market report we publish every Friday to help you stay informed. This resource is a quick read that covers a variety of items from the field to your plate.

Click to read this week's report, and stay in touch with your sales consultant for solutions to your needs. #freshpressfriday #peoplepassionproduce #ourfirstnameisfresh

📰 https://www.freshpoint.com/produce-essentials/freshpress-weekly-market-report/
FreshPoint1 week ago
Spring is here! ☀️ 🌱

#peoplepassionproduce #springveggies
FreshPoint1 week ago
Looking for convenient, premium, and labor-saving options for your food service operation? Our Created Fresh! full line of ready-to-eat, prepackaged grab-and-go items are ready to serve with no prep labor involved. 🥪🥗🍎🍪⁠⁠

Perfect for gift shops, cafeterias, coffee shops, lounges, airports, hospitals, schools…there’s something for everyone! No matter how many customers you serve, Created Fresh! can cover any size operation.⁠⁠

Take one thing off your plate, while serving your customers something great!⁠
Contact your sales consultant today about our Created Fresh! line of grab-and-go offerings now available in our Central Florida location as well as all of our East Coast companies. 🥪🥗🍎🍪#peoplepassionproduce #‎ourfirstnameisfresh
FreshPoint2 weeks ago
One of the most important parts of Irish Beef Stew is the chunks of potatoes! Click the link to take a look at the history of potatoes and how they have come to be one of the most important agricultural crops.



Jon Miyabuchi

Kelvin Shigemura
VP of Sales

Kari Egami
Human Resources

Wendi Akiyama
VP of Operations

Kimberly Kotrys
Director of Finance

Kevin Haga
Director of Sales

Marcus Miura
Director of Sales

Christian Rivera
VP of Merchandising

Amanda Tom
Food Safety Program Manager

Steven Cretsinger
Safety Manager