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Native to tropical Africa, the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) is prized for its pods, which grow in clusters and contain very small beans, surrounded by a sweet-sour pulp, which forms the basis of sweet drinks and food. The pulp can also be turned into a syrup, with the addition of sugar, and then diluted to…
The area from southern Texas to Guatemala is home both to the wild forms of the Tomatillo and the present-day cultivated forms. These tomato-like relatives of the Cape gooseberry are thin-skinned and encased in a papery husk. When ripe, the 8 may vary in color from green to yellow, or purple. The flesh is pale…
Because of their beautiful coloring and diminutive shape, Lady Apples are often used as a garnish. They have a flavorful, delicate skin and a sweet-tart flavor, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Lady Apples are commercially grown in California and Oregon (and limited amounts in Canada), and are available from September until the crop…
Sweet, spicy, fragrant, tart and juicy. Those are the adjectives that are used most often to describe these wonderful Pink Lady Apples. The Pink Lady (also known as Cripps Pink) was developed in Australia, the result of a cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams varieties. The fine-grained flesh is crisp and crunchy and…
These sweet and juicy prizes are highly guarded by bramble bushes with needle-sharp prickers. The Blackberries have been captured especially for your creations and will arrive, fresh, plump and richly dark. These purplish-black bumpies are the largest of the wild berries and will only improve with cooking. Heating Blackberries will intensify their color and soften…
This beautiful pack of Mixed Berries contains three pints each of four different truly ripe specialty Berries. Right now the pack contains Golden Raspberries, Tulameen Raspberries (15% sugar with floral notes), Triple Crown Blackberries (16% sugar…amazingly sweet Blackberries!) and Blueberries (17% sugar with surprising depth of flavor). Once you taste these Berries you will understand…
Worth their weight in gold (pun intended), these specialty raspberries are a sweet treat at any time of year. With color that varies from light blond to a deep golden yellow, their rich and creamy flavor contains hints of the common red raspberry, banana and apricot. Gold raspberries can be a unique addition to your…
Gooseberries are an under-appreciated member of the berry family. In their fresh state, Gooseberries have a flavor similar to a tart kiwifruit…a little tropical. With the addition of a bit of sugar, Gooseberries make excellent jams, jellies, pies and the dessert for which they are famous–fools.
Closely related to the Gooseberry, Red Currant Berries are widely popular in northern Europe, but have two very short seasons here in the United States. Transluscent, bright red and literally bursting with juice, Red Currants are extraordinarily beautiful. These tiny jewels are quite tart and have a flavor reminiscent of pomegranates. Often paired with raspberries,…
The Bing Cherry is a sweet Cherry, in fact one of the most common variety of sweet Cherry in the United States. These Cherries are large and plump with dark skin. They travel well because of their firm texture and strong skin. They are very sweet with good acid, these Cherries Brix 32.4!
The Rainier, a combination of the Bing and Van cherry varieties, is light cream to golden colored with a pink to red blush. The most precious of cherry varieties, its flesh is sweet and delicate with a colorless juice. Like most fresh fruit, Ranier Cherries can be bagged and frozen for several months. Pit and…
Bergamot is an acidic orange prized for its peel which yields an essential oil, essence of Bergamot, used in production of confections and perfumes. Known in the Mediterranean for centuries and described as early as 1708, Bergamot is thought to be a cross between sour Orange and Citron or Lemon. The peel is responsible for…
A truly exceptional citrus grower in the California’ s Central Valley will pack Stem and Leaf Blood Oranges for us. We bring product from them at least once a week, and if we call ahead and preorder they will pack up a really lovely carton. In a world where presentation is becoming increasingly important, this…
The citron, like the lemon and lime, is native to NE India, where it was used from early times as a perfume and in medicine. The fruit seems always to have had a curious connection with religion and magic, and a high reputation as medicine, being regarded as an antidote to almost any poison and…
The fruit of the Calamondin resembles a small, round lime. It has the color of a tangerine with a very thin green or orange colored peel. Despite its appearance and aroma, the taste of the fruit itself is quite sour, though the peel is sweet. Using the whole fruit results in a great combination of…
The Chandler Pummelo is a relative new comer to the Pummelo family. Developed by crossing a Siamese Pink Pummelo and a Siamese Sweet Pummelo, this new hybrid blends to the best of both color and flavor. The rind is thick, and bright yellow with an occasional pink blush. The flesh ranges from light to dark…
This special Grapefruit variety was developed by researchers at the University of California, Riverside. They crossed a Thai Pummelo with a Mandarin to produce this yummy hybrid. The fruit is medium to large with a smooth rind with a greenish orange to golden-orange color. Cocktail Grapefruit has apricot-colored flesh which is exceptionally sweet and super…
Cocktail Grapefruit are small to medium (3 to 5 inches in diameter), white-apricot colored flesh, seedy, extra sweet, and very juicy. Grown in San Diego County by an organic farmer, this Cocktail variety is “Triumph”, first propagated in Florida in 1884. The very mellow, low-acid flavor of the Cocktail Grapefruit makes it perfect for juicing….
Our grower harvests ripe Satsuma Mandarins, peels them and slices them into 1/4- to 1/2-inch wheels. Then he dries them, and voila! The result is a high sugar, high acid, crispy, crunchy dried fruit that is the single most addictive fruit product we’ve found. Dry Satsuma Mandarins are like citrus popcorn…and once you start eating…