ENDIGIA is a beautiful red endive variety. Grown and packed in California, this lovely member of the chicory family has the familiar rich red color of regular Red Endive, but the tips of its leaves are broader and slightly ruffled.
English Pea, garden pea, green pea. Whatever you like to call them, there is evidence that they were cultivated as long ago as 5,700 B.C. They are descended from the wild form, which is indigenous to the Eastern Mediterranean and to the Middle East. Only about 5 percent of the Pea Crop reaches the fresh…
Escarole is the least bitter member of the chicory family. It roughly resembles loose-leaf lettuce, but the leaves are thick and vaguely ruffled. Escarole forms a large, flat rosette of broad, unsplit leaves with unbroken margins and thick ribs. The leaves stay fresh for longer than the jagged, highly chiseled leaves of Frisee. Escarole hearts…
Very fine, tender and sweet, our Extra Small Haricot Vert Beans have exceptional flavor and texture. Their diameter is about half that of commercially grown French Beans. They look lovely and taste wonderful. This is how Haricot Vert were meant to be, and replacing commercially grown run-of-the-mill French Beans with our Extra Small Haricot Vert…
Our farmers grow these beautiful carrots using sustainable methods and lots of TLC. From week to week, the Farmer’ s Market Mix will contain a combination of some or all of the following five varieties (Sugar Crisp, Nantes, and Black Knight are pictured): Nantes (orange), Sunrise (red), Sugar Crisp (yellow), Belgium White (white) and Black…
Fava beans are famous for their rich, bright flavor, but Fava Tips are relatively unknown. Fava Tips taste like Fava-flavored chard…treat them like spinach or chard in quiches, lasagna, omelettes or salads. Quickly saute with olive oil, and season with salt and chopped fresh sorrel. Complementary flavors are the same as for Fava beans…basil, dill,…
Fennel is native to the Near East and the Mediterranean where it grows wild in dry, stony places. It is an aromatic plant whose taste may remind you of anise or licorice. Pale green, celery-like stems evolve into bright green, feathery foliage. The ribbed leaves are thick and fleshy at the base and form a…
Until now sprouts had two basic flavors…spicy (kaiware, radish) and green (sunflower, alfalfa). Welcome FENUGREEK SPROUTS. These little, yellow seeds and their creamy white sprouts have a flavor reminiscent of East Indian curries. It makes perfect sense, since fenugreek seeds are a traditional component of curry powders. Thanks to fenugreek sprouts…sandwiches, salads and even deviled…
Particularly rich in vitamins and minerals, green chard is becoming increasingly popular and widely grown in Italy, France, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, and the United States. This YOUNG GREEN CHARD is the result of a grower thinning his rows of green chard. Note that the grower cut the chard at the very base of the bunch…this…
Some of America’ s most respected chefs have extolled the virtues of Green Garlic. We’re all used to seeing common Garlic which is the dried mature bulb of the garlic plant. Green Garlic is the same plant pulled from the ground at a much earlier stage, often even before the bulb forms. Green Garlic can…
These beautiful GREEN ROMANO BEANS are a sure sign that we are deep into summer. This flat-pod bean is an heirloom variety that traces its origins to Italy. In 2 quarts rapidly boiling water seasoned with 2 teaspoons salt, cook the romano beans until tender but slightly firm. This should take approximately 2 minutes. Transfer…
The name Kohlrabi is the German combination of Kohl “cabbage” and Rabi “turnip” and is popular in German speaking countries and India. Kohlrabi is a species of wild cabbage and is the stem is similar to that of a Broccoli and the heart is similar to that of a Cabbage but is milder and sweeter…
Lacinato Kale (also known as black cabbage, Tuscan Kale , Cavolo Nero and dinosaur Kale ) is a hearty, spicy, long-leaf borecole, so called on account of its extremely dark color. Like its close relative, curly Kale , Lacinato Kale is suitable for serving with hearty, winter dishes. Its hearty flavor and almost sweet aftertaste…
Baby gold beets have become a very common specialty vegetable product. When you’ re looking for a milder version of the traditonal red beet’ s distinctive flavor and the vibrant color of baby gold beets, but you want big, beautiful slices or a lovely puree, opt for LARGE GOLD BEETS. How about a golden borscht?…
This Beet is known as the Striped, Chioggia, or Candy Beet. Chioggia is derived from its Italian origin off the coast of Italy from a town called Chiogga. When sliced open the Beets are a beautiful candy pink color, hence being called Candy Beets , and they are magnificently striped! They have the same taste…
Created by Leonard Pike, Ph.D., director and founder of the Vegetable Improvement Centre at Texas A&M University, the maroon carrot has an apple-like texture and sugary, sweet flavor — he calls it the Beta-Sweet. Those who like their carrots to taste like carrots are in for a big surprise when they bite into this new…
Onion Sprouts may look innocuous, but these sprouts deliver big onion flavor. Try using Onion Sprouts on sandwiches or in salads instead of sliced onions.
This is our favorite Cauliflower color! When cut into small florets and cooked, they look buttery and rich and beautiful. Some chefs call it Gold Cauliflower on their menus. This beautiful color gives any traditional treatment of Cauliflower a new level of eye appeal. And you’ ll love the flavor, too! Our Orange Cauliflower is…
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Micro greens are growing in popularity, and POPCORN SHOOTS are one of our favorites, for a couple of reasons. Their shape and color provide unique contrast to the usual leaf varieties commonly found on the salad plate (but picture them peeking out of a bowl of corn chowder or tucked into a goat cheese quesadilla),…