Similar in shape to pears or plums, guavas can be as small as 1 inch or as large as 4 inches in diameter. They have thin, pale green skins, which turn light yellow as they ripen; the flesh varies from white to deep pink or salmon red. They contain a number of flattish, hard but…

There are many varieties of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). The most common type is the Sweet or Spicy Globe basil. Home gardeners know that if you plant basil in your garden, it can grow fast and you can expect it to take over if you are not careful, especially in hot climates. Fresh basil can…

Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) is also referred to as salad chervil, garden chervil, or French parsley. It is a tender, delicate, ferny herb with tiny fern-like leaves and tender stems. The flavor is grassy and herbaceous with a slight anise flavor. This is a tender herb and will not stand up well to heat, so be…

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum), are a member of the onion family–one taste and you will see the family resemblance. They have long, slender, hollow leaves which taste mildly of onions and garlic, think mild green onions. They are very tender and the entire leaf can be used. Be warned, use a sharp knife for chopping, a…

Let’s take a timeout and talk about cilantro, (Coriandrum sativum). It’s unique. It’s polarizing. There is no middle ground on opinion, this is a love it or hate it herb. Due to a genetic trait, a lot of people don’t like that soapy taste…Julia Child didn’t like it, so don’t feel bad if you don’t,…

Dill (Anethum graveolens),  a member of the celery family, is a bright, grassy herb with hints of citrus, anise, and caraway and is common in eastern European cuisine. It is also referred to as “dill weed” It has long, slender, fern-like aromatic leaves, similar to fennel leaves. Aside from fresh, the seeds (or fruits) are…

There are dozen and dozens of varieties of mint. The two most notable types are peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) and spearmint (M. spicata L.), and of those, you have dozens more varieties. The varieties may also be variegated (multi-colored green and white). An easy way to tell the difference between the two types: peppermint has…

Oregano (O. vulgare L.), can be found commonly in Italian, Greek, and Mexican cuisine. Oregano’s leaves are bright green with a spicy, pungent flavor, reminiscent of pine. As with most herbs, only a small quantity is needed. You can strip the leaves from the stems and use them, or you can use the entire herb…

Parsley is a member of the Apiaceae family (Petroselinum crispum), and often relegated to the plate as a simple garnish, but it may be one of the most underutilized herbs. Curly parsley has a bright, herbaceous, grassy, green, chlorophyll flavor that adds a lot in the way of freshness to dishes. Parsley is used in…

Parsley is a member of the Apiaceae family (Petroselinum crispum), and often relegated to the plate as a simple garnish, but it may be one of the most underutilized herbs. Flat Leaf/Italian  parsley has a bright, herbaceous, grassy, green, chlorophyll flavor that adds a lot in the way of freshness to dishes. Parsley is used…

Resembles a turnip in appearance with round, slightly squat shape, light brown skin, and ivory flesh. Flavor is subtle and sweet; texture is crunchy and juicy. Jicama must be peeled before using. May be served raw or cooked. Jicama may be used as a substitute for water chestnuts. Grows in tropical temperate zones of America,…

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a group of vegetables including cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts. Curly kale has ruffled leaves and a fibrous stalk and is usually deep green in color. It has a lively pungent flavor with delicious bitter peppery qualities. Ornamental kale is a more recently…

This green, tangy fruit is as beautiful as it is nutritious. Kiwifruit contains glutathione, which can help fight cancer. Research has shown that a diet including kiwifruit may help prevent certain types of cancer, including prostate, lung and skin cancer. Kiwifruit contains compounds that have been connected to the prevention of macular degeneration. Kiwifruit is…

Boston Lettuce is also known as Butterhead Lettuce. The tender leaves are soft, velvety and delicate, and have a delicate crunch. Boston Lettuce leaves are great to offer your guests as a ñwrapî instead of bread for low carb or gluten free dishes. The leaves are flexible, pliable and easily folded.

Frisee is characterized by feathery leaves that are pencil thin and somewhat scraggly. Frisee is ivory-yellow in the center with surrounded by green feathery leaves. Frisee is great for adding texture and color to salads and appetizers. It also makes a great bed for your center protein. Frisee can be somewhat bitter if the outer…

Whole leaves should be crisp with a mild sweet flavor. Long curly dark leaves loaded w/ nutrition, rich in color & texture. Green leaf lettuce does not grow into a head. This vegetable plant is a native to eastern Mediterranean & Western Asia. Cultivation of lettuce can be traced back as far as 4500 B.C….

The leaves of this lettuce are crisp & green on the outside, while inner leaves, which are not exposed to light, are rather yellowish or whitish. Common cultivated types of lettuce are derived from the species Lactuca sativa, originally from Eurasia & a member of the daisy family, Compositae. There are 4 general classes, based…

Mesclun mixes _ A combination of a variety of specialty/baby lettuces and greens such as red or green oak leaf, red or green leaf, red or green romaine, little gem, lollo rossa, tango, mache, frisee, mizuna, and radicchio.

Whole leaves should be crisp with a mild sweet flavor. Long curly dark leaves loaded w/ nutrition, rich in color & texture. Red leaf lettuce does not grow into a head. This vegetable plant is a native to eastern Mediterranean & western Asia. Cultivation of lettuce can be traced back as far as 4500 B.C….

The red tipped, slightly curled leaves have an herbaceous and nutty flavor. Slightly crisp ribs with tender edges.