Fresh Things Videos: Types of Papayas and How to Use Them
What are the different types of papayas and how to use them?
Hi, I’m Chef Dan with FreshPoint, and I have a couple different papayas to talk to you about today
What can you do with papayas besides eating them as fruit?
They’re great meat tenderizer. They have an enzyme known as papain that breaks down protein. In fact, it’s commercially used in in commercial powdered meat tenderizers. I prefer making it myself at home, just puree up the flesh. Add it to any marinade: a little vinegar, salt, pepper, some herbs–even chilies–and let it sit for an hour or two. It works wonders.
What do you do with all the seeds?
Eat them! They’ve got a membrane around them. Just take the seeds out, rub them between two pieces of paper towel and rupture the membrane. You can use them as a substitute for black pepper. They have a nice horseradish-type bite doesn’t last very long, but man, it adds a great flavor to your summer dishes.
Are there different types of papayas?
Yes and no. They’re classified by color. Most of what’s grown today are your red flesh, which is what we’ve got here today. Even the large white flesh, well, when it ripens it will turn red–but don’t let that white flesh fool you. You can make an incredible Thai-inspired salad with a little lime juice, some cilantro, some chili peppers, some tomatoes, a touch of fish sauce, and a pinch of sugar and you’ve got the perfect side dish for your summer barbecue.
Thank you Chef Dan for a little bit on the different types of papayas and how to use them!
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Content provided by Chef Daniel Snowden, the Director of Culinary Development for FreshPoint Central Florida. He has been in the produce industry years almost 20 years and loves getting geeky about food. Follow FreshPoint Central Florida on Facebook and Instagram.
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