FreshPoint Atlanta Shows Off Its Brand New Digs at Large Open House
FAIRBURN, Ga. – This week, FreshPoint Atlanta hosted an open house at its new facility, which consisted of tours, meet and greets with the staff and local vendor partners, a catered lunch and raffle.
Local and state officials, customers, prospects, and supplier and vendor partners were invited to the event to get an insider look and learn more from the FreshPoint Atlanta team.
The 100,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility opened last year and features three temperature zones, a 10,000 square-foot processing room for fresh cut produce and the latest in equipment, allowing for a safer and more efficient workplace. Additionally, there is a system in place that takes waste from produce and grinds it for compost, saving fuel and energy and reducing our carbon footprint.
The day started with tours of the facility hosted by the Leadership and Sales teams. Afterwards, attendees were able to chat and learn more from several local vendor partners. All attendees finished the day with a catered lunch and a chance to win several awesome prizes during a raffle.
“We had an amazing turnout from the community,” said Robert Gordon, President, FreshPoint. “It was nice to share our passion, knowledge and experience with the 110+ attendees.”
“The event definitely exceeded my expectations,” said Lee Woodham, President, FreshPoint Atlanta. “It was really encouraging watching the excitement the attendees had touring our facility. Having our esteemed vendors and customers together talking about market trends and the future of fresh produce was quite impressive and the engagement around local and organic produce reminded me of how popular and important this healthy trend is. It made me proud knowing that our company does an outstanding job of getting these products to market and sharing what’s available with our customer base.”
Special thanks to the planning committee: Lee Woodham, Dylan Massave, Nick Constanzo, Courtney Ritter, Regina Martin, Jessica Hanley, Lisa Pettineo, Britni Webster and Bob Massave.
Content provided by Sysco’s The Dish.
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