FreshPoint Central California Goes Red for Women!
Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women, causing one in three deaths each year? That’s approximately one woman every minute!
We couldn’t believe it either, but what’s more concerning, is most women are not even aware of it! We knew we had to do our part to support research and educate women; therefore, since 2014, FreshPoint Central California has proudly been a Heart Sponsor in the Modesto Go Red for Women Luncheon. The luncheon is a way for us as a community to support families, friends, and loved ones in the fight against the number one killer of women – heart disease. Together, we are saving lives by raising funds for vital research and generating awareness in the community.
We strongly encourage raising awareness by educating women, especially our associates. We composed our luncheon table with female associates across an array of departments from Accounting, Sales, and Customer Service, to Production, and Warehouse. It was also nice to hear that the event was so successful it broke record in number of attendees!
The #GoRedModesto luncheon had some heartfelt stories, but the one that got some ladies tearing up was that of Laura Satran. Laura gave us insight into the events that led to her open heart surgery overnight. Most importantly, her story touched on how it can really happen to anyone, any age, any time, and how we should not dismiss the signs of a heart problem–no matter how busy we think we are. Laura explained how she was incredibly busy as a schoolteacher, mom, and wife that when she had these chest pain “episodes,” she attributed them to stress; furthermore, her doctor did too! It came to the point she had to insist and see a specialist, that’s when they found those chest pains were only a few seconds away from becoming a heart stroke.
Joann Marks, MSN, RN, gave interesting facts and statistics on heart disease, risk factors, symptoms, and research. She also invited us all to give ourselves a birthday gift, the gift of life. She explains that during her birthday month she schedules all her annual exams including a heart health assessment, and invited us to do the same; we now extend that invitation to you as well.
Our associates took home some valuable takeaways from the event, and we’d like to share these infographics from www.GoRedForWomen.org
Visit them for more information, including a risk factor assessment, symptom guides, research, and much more. Blog post submission by Martha Gonzalez, Marketing Coordinator for FreshPoint Central California.
Source: https://www.goredforwomen.org/