The Art of Culinary Cocktails and Mixology
mix·ol·o·gy | \mik-ˈsä-lə-jē \
Definition of mixology
: the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks
Culinary Cocktails
Mixology and craft cocktails are currently two of the hottest trends in the restaurant industry.
The bar is being treated as an additional kitchen, and mixologists are viewing cocktails as culinary menu items. Focus is being placed on seasonal offerings and planning a cocktail menu based on what are the best tasting ingredients at the moment.
Sustainability and Food Waste
In addition, sustainability is becoming a driving influence on the bar menus. Many mixologists are now embracing a form of the nose to tail philosophy we’ve seen in kitchens, utilizing the peels, seeds, skins and even to roots of fruits and vegetables as an integral part of their recipes. Even the stems from herbs can be upcycled and incorporated in creative and delicious drinks. In the past, vegetables were rarely used as a featured ingredient, too often they were relegated to being used as a garnish.

Times they are a changing, as beet juice and cucumber juice are both being featured prominently on some cocktail menus. Even celery, the ubiquitous Blood Mary garnish, is now being juiced and given the spotlight in cocktails.
Looking for something even more unique?
Consider using turmeric and even black truffle peelings to infuse your cocktails with something unique.
Don’t forget the garnish
Eye appeal matters in drinks as much as it does for plated food. Consider moving beyond the traditional, and incorporate a seasonal/sustainable philosophy here as well. Edible flowers have been the rage recently, with growers offering numerous seasonal options. Begonia flowers offer a tart, green apple like flavor, borage blossom have subtle cucumber note, elderflowers have a slightly sweet and delicate rose like flavor. These are but three of many options available.

Contact your Marketing Associate for a consultation with your bar staff on ways to use more fresh produce in creating some culinary cocktails. If you are not a customer, find out how to become one today!
Content provided by Chef Daniel Snowden, the Director of Culinary Development for FreshPoint Central Florida. He has been in the produce industry years almost 20 years and loves getting geeky about food. Follow FreshPoint Central Florida on Facebook and Instagram.
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